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Care Lip

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Care Lip

Sweet, juicy, alluring, sexy lips. They need special gentle care.
Lip skin is particularly thin structure and tenderness, which requires careful and gentle care is not less than the entire facial skin. In severe weather conditions, the lips are exposed to constant stress: freezing, drying, weather-beaten, cracked. lip skin has sebaceous and sweat glands, so it is difficult to resist the harmful effects of the environment. And that's why to be the owner of the juicy, bright, beautiful lips you need to take care of them, keeping a healthy appearance and nourishing the skin with vitamins. Gentle Lip skin needs nutrition, cleansing, moisturizing and protection.
Daily cleansing of the skin of the lips is necessary in order to remove any residual makeup and street dust and dirt that accumulate on the skin throughout the day. A method of purifying one chooses the best for yourself, it can be a facial wash, toner, lotion, a special tool for removing makeup. When cleansing is strongly not recommended to stretch the skin. This leads to the appearance of wrinkles.
Once a week or two is recommended to do a light exfoliation of the skin of the lips for the purification of the dead skin cells and stimulate blood circulation and regeneration. There are special peelings lip.
And the most important moment in the care of the lips is the hydration and nourishment of the skin. The most affordable and easy way to hydrate, is the use of hygienic lipstick or lip balm. Correctly chosen means prevents drying and chapping, protects from ultraviolet radiation and from cracking.
Masks lip can be a great source of nutrition lips. These masks contain collagen and elastin, which makes the lips juicy and elastic, preserving natural saturated color.