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Волосы после сыворотки мягкие, блестящие и хорошо .. ...»
Моя любимая сыворотка! Волосы стали гуще, мягче и .. ...»
Я хотел бы поделиться своим отзывом о восстанавлив.. ...»
Раньше у меня для борьбы с выпадением волос была д.. ...»
Софья Викторовна
А как применять данное средство, на сухую кожу гол.. ...»
Всегда считала, что с выпадением волос успешно пом.. ...»
Ирина Викторовна

Scalp Treatment

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Scalp Treatment

It is very important to take care of the scalp no less carefully than hair. Normal pH balance, proper functioning of the sebaceous glands and oxygen metabolism in the skin cells provide health and beauty to the hair. Since the scalp is sensitive enough, it is very important to choose the right care products. And if there are unpleasant sensations, such as itching, redness, wet sores and crusts on the head, dandruff and seborrhea is the first signal that the skin needs additional care. Often this is a comprehensive nutrition with useful substances, vitamins and fatty acids in conjunction with natural antioxidants.
If you began to notice that the hair on your comb remains much larger than before, then it is necessary to strengthen the hair roots as soon as possible. But the correct and effective strengthening of the hair follicles is possible only with a healthy scalp. Therefore, it is no less important with complex rehabilitation therapy not to forget about caring for the scalp.
The right scalp care products stimulate blood circulation in the epidermis, nourish and stimulate the growth of hair follicles, and prevent hair loss.