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Feet care

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Feet care

Human Foot enormous load is transferred on a daily basis. They are our mainstay and "vehicle". Our feet bear the entire weight of the body, along with clothing, bags, jewelry and other weights. And, you see, this work is not easy. And if at the same time and uncomfortable shoes, the load is increased twice.
High heel, platform, leather and synthetic materials deputy, narrow or small shoes have a strong negative impact on the feet Coupled with the daily running around, people in the evening gets swollen and tired limbs that want to screw up higher and does not move.
Over time, without proper foot care, develop various complications in the form of leg disorders, varicose veins, the formation of fungus, the nail plate deformation, cracks, calluses and corns.
To avoid all these hassles, you need to regularly take care of your feet. Provide them a good rest, cleansing, nutrition, hydration. And you will feel daily lightness in the legs, and the beauty of the skin and nails will be pleasing to the eye.