Chlorophyll.The sun's energy, life force.

Chlorophyll.The sun's energy, life force.


In the modern rhythm of life among the vast metropolis we increasingly began to see that the residents of Bangkok have a special passion for strange dark green liquid. We as people are curious and eager to learn something new, became terribly interested in what the Thais drink in the subway, not the Playground, lying on the sun loungers on the beach or strolling through the shops. It was all very easy and simple. Thais, with unlimited access to genuine and useful products, discovered chlorophyll.
Chlorophyll is an extract from useful plants, is extremely rich in micronutrients and fiber. Chlorophyll is truly a force of nature in a glass. In chlorophile no himicheskih or synthetic elements, but there is magnesium and potassium, beta-carotene, iron and calcium. Natural chlorophyll is a component of almost all plants. The powder which is presented for sale in our store, made from the leaves of Japanese mulberry, assembled by hand with special love and care. Only the best leaves are the powder production of chlorophyll.
What is so useful chlorophyll for the body?
Chlorophyll is rich in natural antioxidants and is a powerful enemy of the first signs of aging and cancer.
Chlorophyll is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
Powder is recognized as a powerful organic immunostimulant, on a background of reception of the virus and infection has no chance.
The tool is able to cleanse the blood and increase hemoglobin levels and cure anemia.
Chlorophyll cleanses the digestive tract, intestines and internal organs of toxins, toxins, chemical toxins, pesticides and drugs. Capable of forming mutagens in a single chain and the output of the bodies toxic chemicals, including mercury and heavy metal salts.
Can significantly increase the metabolism and to normalize metabolism.
It energizes and improves the efficiency of the brain.
Increases stamina and improves memory.
Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
Reduces cholesterol and normalizes blood sugar levels.
Improves and cleans the blood.
Breaks the chain of free radicals, preventing the aging.
Strengthens cells, nourishing vitamins and minerals.
Relieves constipation and normalizes liver function, stimulating intestinal peristalsis.
Kills bacteria in the mouth and prevents the formation of unpleasant odors.
Heals wounds and cracks in the mucus membranes.
Improves skin color and removes puffiness on the face.
In our shop are some product items with chlorophyll in the composition. The first is of course the chlorophyll powder is in a dry form at a very low price. We recommend you to purchase at least 10 packages to the reception was not disposable and you could feel the effect of the use of funds. A sachet of powder should be dissolved in 500 ml. of water and drink throughout the day.
Another wonderful tool is a complex with activated fiber HI Q-PRO, which also contain chlorophyll and other useful components. The complex is aimed at reducing body weight and cleanse the body of toxins.
Spirulina capsule is enriched with chlorophyll and vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, saturated acids. Spirulina can help to overcome the seasonal viruses and infections.

Want to know how a plant gets energy from the sun? Chlorophyll to help him. Green pigment that absorbs solar energy and starts the process of photosynthesis, feeding the plant. More chlorophyll gives a rich healthy green herbs and leaves. Chlorophyll is easily obtained in soluble form and used as a food additive to saturate the body with vitamins.
Interestingly, the DNA structure of chlorophyll is identical to hemoglobin, this means that chlorophyll is a unique Supplement that can regulate and replenish vital systems of man.
It is scientifically proven that chlorophyll cures anemia, strengthens the heart and circulatory system, relieves chronic pancreatitis and removes stones from kidneys.
Chlorophyll improves blood and enriches the blood with oxygen, at the same time stimulating the production of red blood cells.
Chlorophyll stimulates the renewal and regeneration of the body.
Chlorophyll removes carcinogens from the body, matted destroys the cells that cause cancer. Precisely because of its antimutagenic properties of chlorophyll is recognized by onkoprotektor and recommended for the prevention of malignancies.
Chlorophyll will become an indispensable dietary Supplement for people seeking to live long and fully.