Chili peppers: 10 Beauty Secrets

Chili peppers: 10 Beauty Secrets

Burning Beauty Secrets: 10 reasons to try the chili
Residents of Asian countries are experts in Tabasco food. They are no exception and the Thais, skillfully combining in his dishes, burning, bitter, savory and sweet flavors. But what can be is used in food, often finds its application in cosmetology or folk medicine, allowing the use of the beneficial properties of plant extracts for the treatment of various diseases. That's what went on sale natural capsule for weight loss, anti-cellulite creams and gels, healing warming salves and plasters with an extract of chilli peppers.
This product with burning taste, and can itself be compared with the "furnace", which has an inexhaustible supply of energy. And our Thai pharmacy offers its customers a wide range of products based on chili, allowing to cope with a variety of problems, from cellulite to rheumatism. And in order to make it easier to choose, look at 10 reasons why you may need a tool based on hot pepper.
Disturbances in the digestive tract
Many products of Thai traditional medicine used in the treatment of gastric disorders, particularly in the forms of diarrhea, contains an extract of chili seeds. Its properties allow you to quickly stop the unpleasant symptoms and to avoid dehydration. And in the absence of appetite spicy seasoning to food will help ignite hunger and will serve as the best stimulant for the digestive processes.
Pain in muscles and ligaments
Burning properties of chili peppers are widely used in the manufacture of a variety of ointments, creams and balms used in the fight against inflammation, sprains and pain appearing in the muscle tissues. Joint pain and quite effectively eliminated by using biologically active substances contained in the pulp of the fruit and seeds of this plant.
Loss of sensation
Numbness of the skin, loss of sensation and muscle atrophy - all these disorders is quite effective against burning chili pepper extract. Suffice it to rub balm on its basis in the affected area on a regular basis, and gradually will be observed in the treatment of clear progress, and blood circulation is restored.
Lowering Cholesterol
When eating chili that contains the active ingredient called kapsoitsin, significantly improves fat metabolism and efficiently fights against cholesterol. Moreover, this product includes a number of products that can prevent the development of heart attacks and strokes. So when choosing an anti-cholesterol, which offers our Thai pharmacy, you should pay special attention to those that contain chili pepper extract.
Reduction in blood sugar levels
The efficiency kapsoitsin contained in chilli pen, and in the treatment of diabetes, including insulin-dependent its forms. That's why drugs are based on burning pepper recommended to introduce as an additional component of therapy with an increase in blood sugar levels.
Vitamin deficiency and scurvy
Chili belongs to the category of products with a balanced vitamin and mineral composition. It is rich in antioxidants, characterized by the ability to bind free radicals, protecting the body from disorders of the immune system. A contained in the composition of the product Vitamin A helps to prevent scurvy and beriberi.
Cancer Treatment
Many of the drugs used in the framework of maintenance therapy in the treatment of cancer, contain extract of red chili peppers. It is connected with the same kapsoitsin that can have a powerful antioxidant effect on the body. With his help fight cancer it is much easier, and the recovery process runs smoothly.
Prophylaxis of migraine
In the treatment of migraine drawing based on hot pepper chili is also used as a natural analgesic. Use it to control the production of specific substances, neuropeptides - the precursors of vascular spasm. Applying the pepper extract as part of ointments and balms, you can ease the pain in the temporal region.
Regulating body temperature
Acceleration intensive circulation and heat at chilli extract applied to the skin surface contribute to reduction of body temperature. This property of plants widely used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases in children and adults.
Fighting cellulite
Because of its ability to accelerate metabolism, creams, balms and wrappings on the basis of an extract of burning chilli act as an effective tool for burning subcutaneous fat, level and smooth the skin, provide a pronounced warming effect. And with regular use also contribute to the elasticity of the skin.
Those who have already managed to appreciate all the positive properties of chili, our online store cosmetics "Thai Care" offers to purchase a wide range of cosmetic and medicinal products containing the extract of the fruit or seeds of this plant. The finished products produced by industrial methods, raises