The venom of bees will not hurt

The venom of bees will not hurt

Bee venom: the effect of Botox
The latest research in the field of apiology allow scientists to put an equal sign between the bee venom and the injections of Botox. Today, bee venom or apitoxin is recognized as a powerful natural remedy against wrinkles.
Leading beauticians predict the substitution of Botox for cosmetic products containing bee venom.
Properties of bee venom
Pure bee venom colorless and has a thick consistency. Smell is honey, and the taste bitter or pungent. In contact with air, the poison immediately hardens, but is perfectly soluble with water. Apitoxin for a long time retains its useful properties will not affect the quality of the freezing and heating and rapid temperature changes.
Substances included in the composition of bee venom activates the production of collagen and elastin. The body itself is beginning to restore stocks of these proteins that provide the skin, joint mobility.
Bee venom in cosmetics
Natural cosmetics with bee venom rejuvenates the skin. Applied the cream causes a rush of blood. The body begins to actively produce collagen and elastin. These two proteins are the basis of connective tissue. They give the skin elasticity and strength. A sufficient amount of collagen and elastin provides youthfulness and well-groomed appearance.
Simultaneously with the production of proteins increases the level of keratinocytes — cells that protect the skin from harmful influence of external environment. The number of keratinocytes with age is reduced, and the skin remain vulnerable from external factors. It also causes wilting and sagging skin. Thai cosmetics with bee venom is able to return the youth and elasticity of the skin is not worse than the injection of Botox. However, no unpleasant procedures and no side effects when using cream are there. The only contraindication for people sensitive to bee products.
Hypersensitivity to bee venom is seen in 2% of people. When injected into the blood apitoxin can cause a severe form of Allergy in the form of hives, itching, General weakness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, swelling of mucous membranes, reduction of the pressure, and even loss of consciousness.
Before using any tools with the apitoxin, you should check the sensitivity on a small area of skin.
How apitoxin?
In natural conditions by the bite of a bee leaves a stinger in the skin, which leads to her death. The sharp smell of apitoxin is a signal for other bees of danger and they, as a rule, the petition does not attack the guest. Together with the sting in the skin, and then in the blood falls of 0.2-0.8 mg poisonous substances.
The increased demand for apitoxin in cosmetology and pharmacology leads to the collection of a substance on an industrial scale. So there are gentle ways of milking in which the insect does not die and the insect population is maintained.

The electrical discharge. On a special sieve is placed bees and passed through a mesh the minimum discharge. Irritated bees release poison, remaining unharmed. But the number of collected apitoxin slightly.
Glass. The most humane method of production of the poison is to voluntary surrender his bee. To do this, while holding the insect with tweezers, and presses against the glass. The bee secretes the poison and flies in the hive. Hand picking the poison takes a long time, but the return is maximized.
Air. Using live insects euthanized in a closed jar. In the first seconds, when irritated, they secrete a poison. Then in a jar add water, the poison dissolves. Dried bees and take the hive. Method unproductive — 1000 bees get 50-70 mg of venom with impurities. However, many insects die.
Bee venom Thai cosmetics
Bee venom or apitoxin is one of the valuable products of beekeeping. Reasonable use has miraculous capabilities. Thai cream containing bee venom, when used regularly, is able to eliminate fine and deep wrinkles smooth out.
Buy cream and ointment cheap at the store of Thai Concern. All products are supplied directly from the manufacturer — this guarantees the authenticity, quality and low prices.