Argan oil or desert gold

Argan oil or desert gold

Argan oil or desert gold is a cosmetic and edible product obtained by pressing the kernel of an argan tree.
Moroccan argan oil contains vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and antioxidants that bring important benefits to the skin. These include increasing elasticity and preventing premature aging of cells. Thanks to its nourishing properties, the skin becomes plumper, firmer, younger looking and radiant.
The origin and use of natural argan oil.
Amandon from Morocco.
Argan oil for the skin, hair and body comes from amandon, extracted from the shell contained in the fruits of the argan tree (small yellow fruits). Originally from the southwestern region of Morocco, where trade in this species is an important activity. This is a rare and expensive oil, precisely because of the lack of wood production. It takes 30 to 50 years to grow an argan tree.
Consuming argan and its oil.
For hundreds of years, the inhabitants of the region where the argan tree is grown have been using the oil for various medicinal purposes. And, in particular, they include it in cosmetic procedures, because this argan oil helps to take care of the health of the body and skin.

Protects from sunlight
Moisturizes the skin
Treats a number of skin diseases
Treats skin infections
Improves wound healing
Soothes Atopic Dermatitis
It has a rejuvenating effect

In fact, the benefits of argan oil have become so popular that the cosmetics industry includes it as an ingredient in their products.
Using argan oil is a valuable means of preventing premature aging and protecting the skin from damage caused by daily pollution and the sun. Argan oil softens the skin.
Can treat a wide range of skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis, burns, and skin infections. The high concentration of antioxidants in argan oil (including oleic and linoleic acids) helps fight skin aging by neutralizing free radicals that damage cells.
Contains vitamin E, which is rich in natural antioxidants necessary to maintain skin dynamism.
Argan oil helps pregnant women.
Cosmetics with argan oil are suitable for massage of pregnant women to improve skin elasticity and act as a remedy for stretch marks.
For very dry and coarse hands, very dry legs with calluses, chapped skin, creams and lotions with argan oil are strongly recommended. With regular use, the skin will regain softness and radiance. The result will be impressive.
Argan oil improves hair quality by preventing damage to the outer cuticle of the hair shaft, while retaining the natural pigments (melanin) that give hair its color.
Without a doubt, argan oil is a unique product that you must try to maintain the beauty and health of your skin, hair and body.