Aganova oil-liquid gold

Aganova oil-liquid gold

The most rare, expensive and precious natural oils-the oil of the fruit of the Moroccan argan tree. Argan oil in his homeland is called liquid gold for its valuable composition and manual method of treatment. Argan oil is universal: it is used in food, treat skin diseases, regenerate hair, widely used in cosmetics, and restore the body after heavy diseases, for the shortage of trace elements and minerals in the body.
The composition of the oil from Africa is a huge amount of fatty acids, antioxidants, b vitamins, D, E, A. the Distinctive feature of oils is the presence of oligolinolievye acid, which prevents premature aging. Argan oil is a natural antibiotics and fungicides that cure seborrhea, itching, hair loss. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens hair bulbs, stimulates hair growth. The oil of the argan tree is able to restore tired and damaged by chemical and heat treatment of the hair, strengthening the hair shaft and restoring the keratin layer.
Calories in argan oil 900 to 100 grams.
Useful properties of oil aranbula tree are endless, including:
a powerful immunostimulant that strengthens the overall resistance of the organism to bacteria and infections
the detoxifier. Removes toxins and waste, purifies the blood
strengthens the heart muscle and capillaries
improves blood flow
lowers cholesterol and blood sugar
activates the digestive tract, normalizes metabolism
relieves pain of joints and muscular system
improves male sexual strength
stimulates the brain
strengthens nervous system and vessels
gets rid of vision problems and eye diseases
improves skin elasticity
strengthens nails and hair
prevents premature aging of the skin
smoothes the skin, lightens scars and stretch marks, improves elasticity
Because Argan oil the product is expensive, it is quite often counterfeited. When you purchase this wonderful means make sure that the oil in a dark glass bottle. And the country of origin this argan oil can only be Morocco.
When you have made a successful purchase and become the proud owner of argan oil, you have a great many options for their own care.
How to treat Argan oil
For problems with the digestive tract, getting rid of bloating, heaviness in the stomach, prevention of heart disease should take regular argan oil, 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach once a day.To maintain the beauty of hair, skin and nails Argan oil is the best helper.
Argan oil is widely used in production of Thai cosmetics for hair and skin. For example, a shampoo with this oil will bring back the vitality and beauty of damaged hair, and hair mask with Argan Oil will be a great weekly therapy for any type of hair. Serum with Moroccan oil the argan tree protect hair from UV rays and the ravages of the environment.
Healing balm with Argan Oil stimulates hair growth. Perfect for owners of thin hair without volume.
With regular use of the oil of the argan tree or the funds with him in the lineup, it's easy to restore even the most hopeless hair.
Argan oil will give your hair thickness, strength and glossy Shine.
Argan oil will return to the skin a second youth. Due to the activation of metabolic processes in skin cells regeneration starts, the dermis is renewed, tension leveled, suffused with strength and beauty.
Argan oil is perfectly absorbed and restores collagen fibers, increasing the production of elastin. The tool is able to get rid of acne and normalize the sebaceous glands.
Argan oil in the Thai cosmetics 100% natural and effective. If you are looking for tools that will save your skin from facial wrinkles, transverse wrinkles on the forehead, deep Osogovo, then you direct road to our online store where you will find more than 1000 items of products for every taste and budget.