Troubled skin. How to be?

Troubled skin. How to be?

Very often we write to clients who have certain skin problems and do not know how to cope with them. Of course, without cosmetics for high quality care for problem skin, which are represented in our store, with this difficult not cope. But you can amplify the effect of any cream or serum SVMi own hands, simply observing certain rules of facial care.
It has long been known that in order to keep the skin looking fresh, it is necessary to maintain the water balance of the cells. After all, a dehydrated epidermis are most susceptible to injury and wrinkles. We all know that is responsible for hyaluronic acid in our body. It attracts and retains water in the cells. But in order that the moisture was in the body in sufficient quantity, it must....just to drink. Drink water. Simple, clean water without gas. It will fill the water balance of the cells and maintain the health and elasticity of the skin.
It is important to follow the diet. What we consume in food, very often appears on the face in the form of pimples, tulowitski, puffiness and bags under the eyes. All I remember after the salt fish looks like the face in the morning? Right, wrinkled and swollen. Same with the increased consumption of sugar. It is almost always pimples on the face.
Cosmetologists do not recommend to espositrici facial products with vitamin a or in the composition because these components are not absorbed into the dermis, respectively, to sense from them a zero. And the pores can clog, making an imbalance in the metabolism of fat cells.
Use of cleanser for washing on the basis of alkali. Such soap or foam tightens pores, drying with inflamed skin, decreases frequency of rash on the face.
Do not RUB or pull the skin rough or intense movements. All treatments should be soft and delicate.
Do not squeeze or apply other mechanical manipulation of the pimples. It provokes the spread of infection and can aggravate the situation. Risk the next day to see in the mirror three times inflamed areas on the face. In more complex situations, in place of the embossed acne scars are formed that last a lifetime, providing the person less attractive.
Not asprivate the skin when spending a standard procedure for daily cleansing. Wash your face with cold water. Before you apply the foam or use soap for washing your face, moisten your face with cold water. Then apply with light massage movements cleanser and rinse with warm water already. Such manipulation will allow to deeply cleanse the pores and prevent the spread of infection.
Do not overuse cosmetics. Much makeup clogs the pores, disrupting the oxygen respiration of cells and clogging pores. In cosmetology is the concept of "cosmetic acne", where the woman trying to hide the already existing precipitation, provides favorable conditions for even greater irritation and inflammation of the skin.
Choose quality cosmetics, with good composition, for oily skin.
Always clean the skin before bedtime, eliminating all remains of make-up.
Avoid synthetic products with sulfates and parabens in the composition.
To summarize, we can say that to monitor their appearance simply. Not forgetting a few points:
1. To replenish moisture in the body. Drink 1.5-2 litres of water a day.
2. Use high quality cosmetics, which presents=about a large number in our store.
3. Eat right and spend more time in the fresh air.
4. Do not abuse alcohol and Smoking.
5. To minimize the use of cosmetics.
6. Regularly clean the skin.
And smile. Smile is the decoration of each person.